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Barton Malow 2.7 release notes
The name of the day is smarter and stronger 😎 💪
Categories: Other

What's new?

Sherlock now remembers your settings even if you change computers or someone else opens your model. We have been building out Daily’s reports by adding a simple way to report inclement weather, as well as a full edit history for your work logs so you know what happened and when. 🗓 🌪

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Terms of Use

Distill, Heatmap, and Orient settings are now portable and you don’t even have to think about it!

Previously your Distill, Heatmap, and Orient settings were saved to an external file, so if one of your colleagues opened your model, they’d be missing all of the settings you worked so hard to create.

Now we save all of the Areas and other feature settings right into your NWF/NWD so they follow the model, not your computer. 😎


Terms of Use

No bugs were reported during this milestone 🎉, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Please send them in! Our FlyPaper is getting pretty lonely. 🪰 📜

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New to Daily? CLICK HERE

Terms of Use

You can now mark crews’ worklogs as having been impacted by inclement weather

If your crew experienced any delays or troubles on the jobsite due to bad weather, you can mark your worklog accordingly. Those crews will have a special designation inside of that project’s daily reports.

Group worklogs by area

By default, Daily groups your worklogs by which company they were authored from. Now, you can now group worklogs by which area they are related to.

Daily history!

Now you can check the history tab to see a timeline of recent additions and deletions to the project daily. Check it out and if you think something would be useful to see in that history tab, be sure to send in your suggestion via Feedback!

Resend invites to project users

Sometimes the people that we invite to our project wait a REALLY long time to sign in to your project. Have you ever wanted to re-send them an email invite? Now you can from the Project Admin!


We’re always hard at work squashing bugs! All of them from this milestone were minor and aren’t worth wasting your time with.

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Planscan updates

2.6 new features summery

Start/end dates are now automatically calculated for you!

Planscan is now smart enough to automatically calculate the end date if you have the start date and estimated duration set or vice versa. Saving you valuable microseconds.


    2.6 new features summery

    We’re always hard at work squashing bugs!

    Activities in the full screen timeline were sporadically unreadable

    A subset of our users were impacted by an issue where when viewing the timeline of activities in fullscreen mode, the activity names were unreadable. The root cause was identified and fixed in this milestone.

    We want to hear from you!

    You can easily share feedback and bugs with us by clicking the feedback button in the App Bar, and through there you can attach screenshots and files to help document what you’re trying to share with us. 

    FlyPaper Academy

    Want some pro tips on how to use Sherlock or Daily? We’ve got you covered, you can check out our series of tutorials that show you how to get the most out of FlyPaper’s products.