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FlyPaper Summit 2022 recap
We had a great summit this year, and we wanted to thank you all for attending with your questions and ideas!
v2.9.0 of FlyPaper is here!
Two new top-level features have been added to Sherlock. For Daily, we’ve built out the filtering capabilities, and generally made it easier to find what you’re looking for
Announcing FlyPaper Summit 2022
We have a lot of exciting things to share at this Summit, from new Sherlock and Daily features to more information about our acquisition of SlatPlanner, which will supercharge PlanScan.
v2.8.0 of FlyPaper is here!
Features baby! You asked and we delivered.
v2.7.0 of FlyPaper is here!
The name of the day is smarter and stronger 😎 💪
2021 Milestones
Let’s all gather round the virtual holiday fire as we take a look back at what we’ve done this year and a few of the milestones we’re proud to celebrate.