2021 Milestones
Let’s all gather round the virtual holiday fire as we take a look back at what we’ve done this year and a few of the milestones we’re proud to celebrate.


Happy Holidays!

Let’s all gather round the virtual holiday fire as we take a look back at what we’ve done this year and a few of the milestones we’re proud to celebrate.

Over the last year, we’ve expanded FlyPapers global presence to every continent (besides Antarctica 😉). We’ve also strengthened our portfolio of products while also adding a brand new product, PlanScan, which you can find out more about below.

Now let’s get to the deets!


2021 milestones



Last year we officially launched Daily as a public beta. After a year, we’ve had the opportunity to have our community of users (you 😊) stretch and grow Daily to be a robust and powerful platform that is ready for a full public debuit starting early next year!

Daily milestones

1,940 Daily users
29,000 Daily reports genereated

Over 1940 users

Our users have grown to include many people with large and small projects across the US, and increasingly the globe.

Over 29,000 daily reports generated

Daily’s powerful yet simple reports have been used on hundreds of projects to share insight into what is happening across thousands of labor hours.


Sherlock has had some great features added to it this year, from the ability to easily define areas in your model, the ability to use Orient in multi-level models, and batch exporting of DWFX models. We’ve got even more existing features surrounding clash tracking and batch clash renaming planned for the next year. Stay tuned for more!

Sherlock milestones

150,000,000 Clashes grouped
10 Countries with Sherlock

150,000,000 clashes grouped

Another 150,000,000 clashes grouped this year, clashes keep coming and Distill keeps crushing them.

10 Countries with Sherlock users

We’ve added customers in India, France, and Germany bringing the total number of countries Sherlock is used in to ten. World clash domination, here Sherlock comes! ✌️

PlanScan logo


Run traditional pull planning meetings that synchronize what’s on the board with our application. If you would like more information about PlanScan, our hybrid physical and virtual pull planning software, click the button below to get in touch with us.

Coming soon!

We’ve got something BIG coming…

Stay tuned through 2022, we have bold new ideas we’re building, and we can’t wait to share them with you!

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